Thursday, 9 January 2014

Feature Article Draft

So Laura, did you think you’d ever make it THIS big?!
Not at all! When I was younger music was what I resorted to for fun and to get away from everyday life. It was much more of a hobby than anything. I always knew that what I wanted was to be a singer but I never dreamed I was actually make it this far! Its so amazing and im so grateful!

What first got you into music?
My dad self- taught himself the guitar when he was 10 and it has been his obsession every since. For my ninth birthday he bought me a guitar of my ownand taught me how to play it and I feel in love with it! Then things just progressed from there I guess.

So when was it that you decided you wanted to make music your career?
Becoming an artist for my full time job was pure luck really! The first time I considered it was after my school talent show. After my performance people came up to me and told me that they thought I was good enough to be a singer which definitely gave me the boost to at least try. I started performing in local pubs until eventually I was scouted by a well-known music agency. It all took off from there really!

Is being famous everything you expected?
I don’t consider myself as famous. I haven’t changed. I’m just the regular old Laura, who sits in her room messing around on her guitar, writing lyrics and occasionally gets the odd gig.

The odd gig?! Didn’t you perform at Glasto last year?!
*Laugh* Yes I did and I actually cannot believe it! It was so much fun and I met some awesome people there. I just hope I didn’t make a fool out of myself infront of the boys from Artic Monkeys, I have a crush on all of them!

What would you say the perks and downsides of fame are?
One of the things that I’m definitely finding hard to deal with is the paparazzi! They follow me around 24/7, I’ve even caught one in my garden once just to try to get a picture… that must be illegal surely?! But I would definitely say some perks are getting to meet so many amazing talented people, many of whom I listened to growing up! I also love the buzz of performing my music live and the fact that people actually listen to my music, its crazy!

Let’s talk new album..
Oo yes! I’m really excited about this album as I am so pleased with the results. The album is simply called ‘Laura’. The idea behind it is that each song means something to me or echoes a part of my life and so is very personal to me so I thought the name, boring as it may be, would be appropriate…. And partly because all the other names I came up with were awful! I put so much into this album so I just hope the fans like it!

Speaking of the fans, what do they mean to you?
My fans mean the absolute world to me as I couldn’t be where I am today without them. They are so supportive and I create my music just for them.

Any plans for the future?
I have no idea! I definitely want to continue making and performing my music. It’s definitely hard work but its so much fun and I find it so rewarding. I’m very happy where I am at the moment so I’m just planning to go with the flow really!


Friday, 29 November 2013

Feature Article Draft Analysis


I have include the magazine's logo in the top left hand corner of the page and the page number and magazine's website on the bottom right of the page. This compliments the magazaine's house style as well as providing repetition to make the website and logo more memorable.

The article title is bold and large and will run across the top of the left hand page. This makes it stand out from the other text in the article allowing the reader to have a brief summary of what the article will be about before reading. I will also include an entry point of text just below the title, in order to provide a bit more information about what the article will be about and leave the reader wanting more, and thus making them read the rest of the article.

I have put a large picture of the feature artist, taking up the majority on the page on the right. I did this because the right page is known to be the first place the reader will look, and so providing the image of the 'well known music artist' will immediately attract the attention of the reader and make them want to read further into the article.

I also layed out the text of the article into two columns. This makes the page neat and easy to read as well as fitting with the house style of the magazine. At the beginning of each paragraph/ question of the interview I will use a drop cap. This in turn clearly marks the beginning of each question, making the page easier to navigate, as well as being eye catching which draws the reader to text to make them read on.

Other Features
The text of the magazine will be in an interview style. This creates a more casual atmosphere for the reader and allows them to relate to the artist. It will also include popular questions which the readers are likely to want to know the answer to, tempting them to read the article.

Feature Article Draft

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Contents Page Draft Analysis

The title "Contents" run across the top of the page in big capital letters which make it bold and eye catching. This can help highlight the important of the page.

I have included the date under the title so that the reader can see if they are up to date with the magazine issue.

The magazine logo is in the top left hand corner. This will run throughout the whole magazine to repeat the brand name making it more memorable which is part of my house style.

I have put the website and page number in the bottom right hand corner. This provides another form of media to view the magazine and fits with the magazine's house style. The page number also makes the magazine easier to navigate.

The page is layed out in two columns to make the page simple and easy to navigate. It also makes the page neater and therefore more appealing to the eye. This also compliments the magazine's house style. The pictures will be on the left, which will include the page numbers to show the page the artist is featured on. I have placed the list of text on the right of the page. This is because it is known that the reader first looks at the right hand side of the page and so by doing this they will immediately get an idea of what the magazine will include. This in turn can tempt the reader to look at the rest of the magazine.

Other Features
For the subtitles such as 'features' and 'news' I will use a bold but also "swirly" font to echo the female orientated target audience.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Content Page Draft

Front Cover Draft Analysis

The masthead goes the whole way across the top of the front cover. This is effective as it makes it stand out from the rest of the page.

The artist's head will slightly cover the masthead to create the effect that the magazine is well established and popular enough to do so.

The date is placed at the top left of the page to allow the reader to make sure they are up to date with the magazine issue.

The website is included in the bottom right hand corner to provide a different type of media to view the magazine, which can help boost viewings.

The feature artist is the centre of the image as well as taking up the majority of the page. This allows her to be the centre of attention on the page and draws the readers eye to her.

Other Features
I have decided that I will include two puffs which include a 'free CD' of the feature artists first single and a 'free poster' of one of the content page artists. This is because I believe it will help tempt more readers to purchase the magazine.